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Mizuno footwear is live!

The lastest edition to our brand selection is another of Japanese heritage.

What started off as a pioneer of Importing American baseball culture to the nation, Mizuno has covered all bases in the sporting world and is havng a major resurgence at the forefront of sneaker culture for trendsetters.

(Mizuno Contender S)

With recent collabs Including the likes of some serious footwear heavyweights including Foot Patrol and Patta, Mizuno is providing throwbacks, colourways and comfort for those who like to be ahead of the pack.

Our first drop to launch both instore and online consists of some the brands running heaveyweights from the 90's, namely the Contender S, an updated version of the 95 classic and the insanely on trend Wave Rider 10 In a super throwback classic 90's colourway.

Our next drop landing in the coming week will include the other staple Mizuno Silhouette, The Sky Medal